Anything Could Happen

I’ve been working on a secret thing that I can’t talk about until tomorrow. Rest assured it has nothing to do with the election. It is difficult for me to get the election off my mind, even so. When my brain implodes due to all the political noise, I go silent. I do. I shut up. Tie o’ the Day and masked Face Mask o’ the Day, however, are always there to do my talking for me. They express my Election Eve feelings so very well. 😱

My Pandemic Halloween Costume

Bow Tie o’ the Day and I thought it was a no-brainer. I woke up Halloween morning with a gruesome, icky zit on my chin, so I decided it could be my costume: I would be a teenager for the festivities. Zit + attitude = teenager! Easiest. Costume. Ever.

The pandemic Halloween around our house began ominously. When I turned on the tv to the morning news, reports of Sean Connery’s death were rampant. That meant the pictures of Sean Connery were also rampant. Since he and Dad were doppelgängers, the pix of Sir Sean Connery kept reminding me of Dad, which made me extra-miss him.

On top of sprouting a zit and missing Dad all day, we had a grand total of 1 Trick-or-Treater knock. By the time I put on my mask and gloves and grabbed the candy dish, the poor ghoul was already gone when I finally opened the front door. I was glad when Halloween was over. Fortunately, there’s plenty of candy left over for me to munch on. The zit continues to be an unwelcome guest.