Grow Yer Own

It’s that time of year when I grow out my Christmas beard. In my opinion, my beard is coming along dandily. Unfortunately, snowman Bow Tie o’ the Day is lost ‘neath my face’s plastic, furry locks. I don’t want to have to lift my beard for every person I see in order to show off a bow tie, so from now on I’ll be a strictly necktie person whenever I am with beard.

I don’t know if my beard makes me look like Santa, an elf, a gnome, or my dad. But I’m groovy with any and/or all of the above.

Scivvies In The Mail Again

You might remember that last year some anonymous soul sent me a couple of pairs of tuxedo/bow tie-themed novelty underwear. Well, that twisted soul is apparently at it again, since this Rudolph the Reindeer thong showed up in my mailbox. Unfortunately, this funny underwear was not outfitted with a tie, as last year’s gifts were. A tie is kinda the point, you know. To ready the thong for a TIE O’ THE DAY appearance, I had to choose a tie myself. Of course, the Christmas balls, er, ornaments Tie o’ the Day was the only correct choice.