Puzzles In Winter

Holiday Tie o’ the Day gives us a Christmas-y version of Grant Wood’s masterpiece, AMERICAN GOTHIC. It’s a clever take, and I especially like the romping bunnies. Again, my Delta Rabbit-ness shows.

This year in our house, the snowy winter evenings have set the right mood for assembling puzzles, and now we’re knee-deep in a puzzle binge. We noticed something about putting puzzles together: a puzzle is quiet. A puzzle does not ring or vibrate, or otherwise interrupt. It does not even knock. Golly, doing a puzzle offers silence enough to wander around in your own thoughts. And if you’re not puzzling by yourself, the magical-est magic happens. Suddenly, you find yourself engaged in a splendidly long, meandering conversation with your co-puzzler— an unforgettable conversation which you would never have been able to enjoy in the loud, unpuzzling world.

The puzzle comes together. And the stoopid fact of one missing piece shows itself, front-and-center. I hate when that happens!