I Had A Coupon

When I chose a CHRISTMAS VACATION Tie o’ the Day this afternoon, I had no idea how appropriate my choice would end up being. You see, my “sleigh”— Vonnegut Grace Vibe— needed a basic physical, to make sure it’s all set for dashing through the winter snow. And yes, I had a thrifty coupon for just such a physical, at a shop in Bountiful.

I take outstanding care of Vonnegut Grace Vibe. She was born in 2007, and I’m not ready to give her up yet. She’s never given me a problem, and she still gets 34 mpg. I named Vonnegut Grace in honor of Kurt Vonnegut and Grace Paley, two influential writers who both died in 2007. I love her.

Anyhoo… I guess Vonnegut Grace is starting to show her internal age. I dropped her off at the garage for her check-up, and I got two troublesome phone calls from the mechanic soon after my ride dropped me off at home. Even accounting for the thrifty coupon, Vonnegut Grace’s bill for her appointment was a shocker. For the past few hours, I have been stuck in the exact same pose as Clark Griswold on Tie. And you know darn well such a look on me is scaring the heck-a-rama out of the always-vibrating Skitter.