Goin’ Out To Dinner

Suzanne and I (and Bow Tie o’ the Day) will be eatin’ hoity-toity tonight. Sometimes you wanna go bigly formal with your eatin’-out attire. I always go bigly, but even I need to further stretch my fashion choices in heretofore foreign directions. This designer outfit is right up the experimental alley of my style territory. I think it resembles a 50’s swimming cap. Let me quote from VOGUE’s description of this set of out-on-the-town duds: “…a red-tipped globe of lilac feathers and satin slippers in shocking pink…redefines ‘belle of the ball.'” Sounds like little ol’ girly me, doesn’t it? However, I am still wondering if my arms are supposed to be inside or outside the puffball– or if I’m supposed to simply leave them at home.

Hairs Thursday #6

Hugh Jackman should wear Bow Tie o’ the Day. He is an entertainer with oodles of class, and a bow tie would top off any look he sports– clashy or matchy. As I was brushing out my hairs this morning to prepare a hairdo for Hairs Thursday, I noticed how my locks had magically fallen into a Hugh Jackman as Wolverine ‘do. I had to keep it. My “sideburns” are nearly lamb chops. Oh, happy day! I even feel like a superhero.