Goin’ Out To Dinner

Suzanne and I (and Bow Tie o’ the Day) will be eatin’ hoity-toity tonight. Sometimes you wanna go bigly formal with your eatin’-out attire. I always go bigly, but even I need to further stretch my fashion choices in heretofore foreign directions. This designer outfit is right up the experimental alley of my style territory. I think it resembles a 50’s swimming cap. Let me quote from VOGUE’s description of this set of out-on-the-town duds: “…a red-tipped globe of lilac feathers and satin slippers in shocking pink…redefines ‘belle of the ball.'” Sounds like little ol’ girly me, doesn’t it? However, I am still wondering if my arms are supposed to be inside or outside the puffball– or if I’m supposed to simply leave them at home.

One Reply to “Goin’ Out To Dinner”

  1. Seems like it would be hard to sit down while wearing this beaut! And, if you left your arms at home, how would you eat? I suppose I’d feed you, but it’d be best if you brought your arms.

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