Niffin’ About Roxy

Today, I found some old TIE O’ THE DAY doggie pix, which Skitter and I culled through. The photos were mostly of our late pal, Roxy Lou, posing in Ties and Bow Ties o’ the Day. Skitter and I have lowered our smiles to half-staff since we looked at the photographs. We teared-up a little. FYI When Skitter cries, she hogs the Kleenex.

Suzanne and Skitter and I had to help Roxy go to sleep just over a year ago, and Skitter has been dog-less since then. While Roxy Lou was here, she took the scared, abused Skitter under her wing and taught her how to be a dog. While Roxy was here, I also never had to turn on the vacuum cleaner: Roxy ate anything that fell to the floor, anywhere in the house. It did not have to be food. (We called her Hoover.) That’s how she became the fattest mini dachsie to ever waddle on the face of the planet.

Enjoy these reposted pix of the late Roxy’s modeling, as she appeared in TIE O’ THE DAY. I included a couple of naked-neck pictures too.

My Poor Hairbrush

My hairs went through so much terror yesterday, and at bedtime some of them were still going through it. I thought I should prove to you how strong my hair goop is. Seven hours after I did my visor hairdo, a few brave strands were still hanging tough– trying to visor through, as long as possible. I chose a simple wood Bow Tie o’ the Pajamas to wear while snapping this selfie. I thought it was a fitting choice, since my hairs kind of resemble dead tree branches.