Worth a Thousand Words, At Least

Here’s my fave-rave photo from last week’s two-state vacay. Suzanne selfied this picture as we rode the High Roller ferris wheel in Las Vegas. Under my jacket, I’m wearing my old timey swimming suit and gold-thread embellishments Bow Tie o’ the Day. Suzanne’s wearing her new BAND OF HORSES hoodie. Vegas was a bit on the chilly side. You can see how much it didn’t matter to us.

It’s Only Stuff

I intentionally do not have the Facebook app on my phone. I also intentionally do not have the administrative/editing capabilities of the TIE O’ THE DAY website set up on my phone. When I’m out and about and away, there’s no way I can post a darn thing until I get back to my laptop at the hotel. That’s exactly how I want it. If I’m doing something, I don’t want to even be tempted to stop in mid-activity and write a post that comes to mind about it. I do not want to miss doing the next thing or the next thing, etc. cuz my head is in my phone, posting about what already happened– at the expense of what I’m doing right now. I post about my life, but I want to live it first. Having experiences is primary. Making my experiences into stories and observations and sermons is secondary.

In Las Vegas, while out gallivanting around the Strip with Suzanne, I ran into four bow tie products I didn’t buy– although one of them caused me stop in the middle of the path through the mall of shops, in which we found ourselves. And I mean STOP. Upon seeing the luggage shown in the photo, I became a mute statue. All I could do was point. I so wanted this set of bow tie luggage. But I will have to start a GO FUND ME account if I’m going to buy it– unless any of y’all have $3000 just sitting around in a cookie jar, and are willing to fork it over so I can buy something I don’t even need.

I could have afforded the hat shown in one of these pix, but it just didn’t strike me as something I’d wear.

The same is true of the bow tie necklace. It was affordable. It has good bling, and yet it was somehow too “plain” for my taste.

Now, the tie-design necklace Suzanne is modeling was downright hideous to behold. Even Suzanne couldn’t make it okay to look at. No way was I gonna wear that object of not-art. And you know darn well that I will generally wear anything. That should prove how wrong this necklace looked.

When I am traveling– out discovering things and having experiences– I am never on the search for neckwear products. But I can’t help it if I run into pertinent objects occasionally. It’s true that when I do come across some tie/bow tie thing, I consider what I could do with it, or write about it, in a post. Rarely, do I postpone my immediate plans in order to stop and acquire it. Neckwear doo-dads are beauteous, but they don’t compare to the joy of fully participating in the adventures– bigly or small– of your own life. That’s how you build a life. You can write about what you did later– when you get home.