I’m A Clothing Chain

Cactus Bow Tie o’ the Day reminds me I said I would still post twice per day while on vacay in Tucson. I always plan to keep up with my post quota when I’m away exploring places other than Centerville, but I am easily distracted by new landscapes. I say I’ll follow my post routine, and then I don’t. Sorry. I don’t feel all that guilty about it because I will eventually post the stories of every second of my life anyway. Sooner or later, I will tell you way too much about my little ol’ life. It’s what I do. I like to tell stories, and since I am I, I’m usually a character in them. Imagine that.

Anyhoo… I’ve been here in Tucson four days, and I’ve already opened up my first clothing store! I am officially an entrepreneur. I even opened a second location in another section of Tucson. In this photo, you can see my very first customer. I’m in the money!

I also notice I’ve got the rabbit ears photo-bombing my selfie. Don’t know how that happened.

And finally, I know you might be wondering what I decided to give up for Lent. I type it here to make it official for all eyes to see: I am giving up chewing tobacky– at least until Easter. Suzanne is giving up the same thing she gives up every year: smoking. It will be hard for us to deprive ourselves of tobacco leaves, but we will suffer through it.