Toddler Suzanne Meets Toddler Bow Tie

Bow Tie o’ the Day saw this baby pic o’ Suzanne, and now the two things are inseparable. They seem to be smitten with each other. I think I’ll let them live together in a shadow box. Maybe I’ll hang the box on a wall in the Tie Room, or maybe in the living room, so the Visiting Teachers can enjoy seeing the couple each month. Suzanne looks so impish in this photo, while Bow Tie looks so prim and proper. Suzanne is neither of those. 😜

My Ties Watch Movies With Us, But They Don’t Eat The Popcorn

Mango Cravat o’ the Day is resplendent. It is, however, difficult for me to sport plain-colored neckwear. Plain doesn’t have the right bang, but I guess it suits something in me sometimes. Whenever I put on a suit jacket, I hark back to THE BIG CHILL, in which Kevin Costner gives the most animated performance of his career. All of his scenes in the movie were cut, except for the scenes of his body being dressed for burial at the very beginning of the movie. 👏🏻