Like Mom, Ties Make Friends Everywhere They Go

Tiny pink Tie o’ the Day attached itself to this metal cowboy boot-shaped ashtray on a sidewalk in Lake Tahoe, when we vacationed there in October. Yup, that’s the trip we took with Suzanne’s parents for a week. And we all survived, still loving each other. I believe this is the same Tie o’ the Day I was wearing when we lost all our money at a casino there— not when we played the slots, but because we bought two bottles of casino Diet Pepsi.

And The Book The Ties Rode In On

Pipe-covered Tie o’ the Day is helping me write POETRY this morning. We are sitting at my WRITING DESK in my WRITING OFFICE in the LOFT. I’m wearing my WRITER’S CARDIGAN with its PROFESSORIAL ELBOW PATCHES. And I’m getting ready to light up my WRITER’S CIGAR. My WRITER’S CUP O’ COFFEE is making coffee rings on my WRITING DESK. Doesn’t that all sound snooty? Okay. I neither smoke nor drink coffee. But it’s fashionable to look like a stereotypical writer-character in a movie. 🖋 🗒 ✏️