Caught With My Tie Down Around My Ankles














Bow Tie o’ the Day and I were in Deltabama for about 4 hours yesterday, perspirin’ at our 99%-moved-out-of Beach House. We stopped at Maverik for a caffeinated beverage, and Bow Tie stayed in the car. I uncharacteristically grabbed a Diet Dr. Pepper (or two or three). My sister-in-Diet-Coke, Sandra, happened to see me, and there I was—totally un-tied and un-Diet Coked! Wearing a tie and swiggin’ a Diet Coke are two of my defining “thangs”. I felt naked! I felt like an imposter! I don’t care how hot my neck gets, or how much I might once in a blue moon crave a Diet Dr. Pepper. My neck’ll always be tied, and my veins will always bleed Diet Coke. In other words, I will never again step out of my true-me superhero costume! 👔 🥛 Note: See how cute Bow Tie o’ the Day is in the photo—just hangin’ its tiny body down in embarrassment and complete shame for us both.

Our Pups Know My Fashion

The mutts saw me standing on one leg while I stretched this morning, so they declared today to be Pink Flamingo Fashion Day. I let them pick out my attire, and this is what they came up with. Roxy thought I should wear the regular tie, and Skitter thought I should don the bow tie. I like to please ’em both, so I will sport the two Ties o’ the Day simultaneously. Gotta stretch and try new things, my friends! 🌴 🌈