Glad, But Apprehensive

I went sorta matchy with Bow Tie o’ the Day and Vest o’ the Day this afternoon. Matchy, blendy clothes make me seasick, so I try not to look at myself when I’m being matchy and/or blendy. Aside from trying to keep the seasickness at bay, I’m feeling both excited and apprehensive about something wondrous I get to do tomorrow: I get to spend some time with a Weber State University pal I’ve had no communication with for nearly 40 years. Our conversations were some of the highlights of my college days. Oh, I can’t wait for our meet-‘n’-gab, but we’ve probably changed bigly since the early 80’s. For one thing, we’re both 40 years older, and 40 years of living can change a broad. What if we don’t like the person each other has become? What if we find each other boring or politically haywire? What if a profane word falls out of my mouth and it’s not appreciated? (I didn’t swear back in my college days, but now I’m old enough to know that the goings-on of this world occasionally require an appropriate swear word.) What if we find we have absolutely nothing to say to each other about books, which were a bigly topic for us back then?

And what precisely is the right thing for me to wear to visit someone I haven’t seen or talked to in almost 4 decades anyway? I know you won’t believe it, but my attire can be a bit shocking to the system of someone who isn’t used to seeing me regularly in-person. Maybe I should consider toning down my clothing choices a notch for the visit. I wouldn’t want to end up having to find a defibrillator for my pal just seconds after she opens the door to let me in. “Hi, nice to see you again. Let me call an ambulance to jump-start your heart!” I know I’m getting ahead of myself here, but that’s kind of what I do—thank you, Bigly Bipolar Head o’ Mine. But I shall ponder important choices. To cape, or not to cape?

What’s A Girl To Do?

I was thinking about the future of my head hairs, and that got me ruminating about mustaches. And that made me think of my bigly MAX wood Bow Tie o’ the Day, so that’s how I decided what piece of neckwear I wanted to wear this morning. All this cogitation about my head hairs is because my hairs are currently undecided, as to their next formation. I’ve kept a shaved head for just about a year. The style feels good and I can see my face for what it really looks like, but a shaved head is not the most flattering cut I’ve ever had. Besides, Suzanne has gotten too used to my prickly head, and she doesn’t rub it when it’s freshly shaved like she did at first. I think she’s over any fascination she once had with my stubble. Of course, she says I can do whatever I want with my head hairs. But I know better. What she thinks about my hairs does count. I know she would like my asymmetrical hairdo back, but I don’t know if I’m ready to start pointing at my lopsided hairs ‘do and saying things like, “You can’t cut down a symme tree🌲.” Like my head hairs, I am still undecided as to whether to shave or grow.