What’s A Girl To Do?

I was thinking about the future of my head hairs, and that got me ruminating about mustaches. And that made me think of my bigly MAX wood Bow Tie o’ the Day, so that’s how I decided what piece of neckwear I wanted to wear this morning. All this cogitation about my head hairs is because my hairs are currently undecided, as to their next formation. I’ve kept a shaved head for just about a year. The style feels good and I can see my face for what it really looks like, but a shaved head is not the most flattering cut I’ve ever had. Besides, Suzanne has gotten too used to my prickly head, and she doesn’t rub it when it’s freshly shaved like she did at first. I think she’s over any fascination she once had with my stubble. Of course, she says I can do whatever I want with my head hairs. But I know better. What she thinks about my hairs does count. I know she would like my asymmetrical hairdo back, but I don’t know if I’m ready to start pointing at my lopsided hairs ‘do and saying things like, “You can’t cut down a symme tree🌲.” Like my head hairs, I am still undecided as to whether to shave or grow.

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