Imagine Me Showing Up At Your Front Door

As y’all know, TIE O’ THE DAY—which is I— is a bigly believer in being kind whenever possible. It is my belief that most people don’t hear they are loved and precious nearly as often as they ought to hear it, as they move through this wild world of good-hearted, but fallible, human beings.

In many situations, the way you dress can aid in expressing to a person you spend time with that you care. Consider the Tie o’ the Day and Hat o’ the Day I wore this morning. I am a proud University of Utah supporter, but I drove to Provo this morning to spend some time with my nephew, Travis. If you know Travis, you know he bleeds BYU Cougar blue—and I suspect BYU blue blood is likely a literal condition where he’s concerned. So I donned my blue-and-white argyle tie and threw on a blue-and-white flat cap for the occasion.

You see, Travis might think I’m eccentric. He might think I’m obnoxious with my ties and bow ties. He might think I’m that nutty aunt who defies all explanation to anyone outside the family. But when I flaunt my BYU colors in his presence, there are a few things of which Travis can always be assured with me: 1. I know who he is at his deepest core, and I know what he values. 2. I love him and want him to see the evidence. That’s how much he means to me. When I showed up at his door in my blue-and-white accessories, he had to know immediately I had thought about him with purpose before I even left my house to meet up with him. We had a fine chat, even if it was in BYU territory.

As always, Go Utes!