Ties, Ties, Ties

I’m sure you’ve noticed I have been bigly on wearing neckties recently. I consider myself—first and foremost—a woman with bow ties running through my veins, but neckties are a close second choice with me. I adore them both, but bow ties are my preference every day of the week. So what’s with all the ties lately? Well, I discovered a couple of new-to-me tie places online a few weeks ago, and so I splurged on some fantastic pieces. I ordered a whole bunch o’ new neckties to add to my collection. I am so giddy about my recent acquisitions that I just have to show them off to y’all ASAP. So this Tie o’ the Day I’m wearing gives me one more opportunity to flaunt one of my treasured finds. As you’ve probably also been noticing, I’ve gone bigly with Art Deco designs on the majority of the new ties. I enjoy the Art Deco style so much that I would buy the Art Deco-designed Chrysler Building in NYC right this minute, if I had enough money to do it. And the truth is this: I might likely have enough money to buy the Chrysler Building today—if I hadn’t spent my entire life’s fortune buying thousands and thousands of bow ties and neckties for my ridiculously extensive neckwear collection.

Hmmmm. 🤔 I gotta ponder this particular irony for a while. 🤔

A Work Of Art, And Another Work Of Art

I wish you could feel the pleated texture of this yellow and black Tie o’ the Day. It is soooooo touch-worthy. If you see me in person and I’m wearing this tie, you are welcome to touch it with your own clean fingers. Please ask me before you try to feel it, though: it’s the polite thing to do. Take a gander at the paisles on this Shirt o’ the Day. This field of paisley looks like it has been brush-painted. I feel like I’m wearing a painted canvas, transformed into an artsy shirt. I can pretend that’s the case, if I want to. And I do want to today. And so I will, cuz I’m the boss o’ me and my clothes and the stories I want to tell. 🎨 🖼 👔