Mom And Her Walker, On Her Way To 90

Mom has used a walker since she broke her hip in June of 2017. Here is a photo of her zipping around our house aided by her walker on one of her 2018 visits with us, a few months before she took up residence at Millard Care and Rehab. A broken hip didn’t slow Mom down much. On her post-broken hip visits with us, she took brisk daily walks through the house to keep her new hip loosened up. I asked her what she was needing to stay loose for at her age, and she wasn’t sure. But she thought it would be wise to keep her new hip loose “just in case.” Mom’s such a Boy Scout with her preparedness for whatever might lurk anywhere in her vicinity.

Note Mom is once again wearing her clip-on earrings. Also note her ever-present sunglasses. She’s as famous and beloved as a movie star. I really have seen her mobbed by her fans when they happen upon her. I’m sure Mom uses the shades as a disguise to help her lay low, to protect her privacy and her cool-osity. (Oh, and light hurts her old dame eyes.) I am, as always, in awe of Mom’s charisma.