Days Like This

Swashbuckling wood Bow Tie o’ the Day and I are exuberant. We had the weirdest, best day. My day started out normally enough. I looked at what Suzanne was wearing to work, then dug around in the Tie Room for a clean face mask to match what Suzanne was wearing to the office. Suzanne is as matchy as I am not-matchy. After she left, I toiled around the house for an hour, when I was suddenly overcome with complete weariness. I went back to bed and slept for over an hour. I have no idea what brought on that unfightable exhaustion. I do know that Skitter likes it when I take naps, cuz she gets to sleep in the tall bed with me. I don’t like to go back to bed, because I have TIE O’ THE DAY to write and other things to accomplish before I die, and I feel time hurtling away too quickly for my taste.

But the grooviest thing happened after I woke up from my nap to face the day. I felt energized—breathless, in a good way. I was even a bit antsy. I turned off the television—my bipolar head’s constant companion. I spent a few minutes going through the cd’s to find the exact right things to listen to, and to my surprise I gravitated to the first three Sarah MaClachlan cd’s. Yup, right back to the 90’s. I lined them up and cranked them up, and—bigly surprise—I felt like dancing. I do not normally dance around the house, but I felt the groove and danced anyway, both upstairs and downstairs. In fact, I haven’t danced in years. But I felt the undeniable urge to boogie around the premises. Skitter was even amused. She was an attentive audience. It was a workout like I haven’t had in a long time, and it lasted almost two hours. Golly, it was fun. I can’t explain what came over me, but I feel blessed that it did. The music was superb, and I had a blast all by myself. I highly recommend you find your music and get dancing.

FYI Suzanne is forbidden to dance. Ever. She has a klutz problem that leads to scrapes, and bruises, and twisted ankles, and broken furniture when she tries to dance. Fortunately, she knows this about herself and refrains from dancing for the sake of all people, animals, and things in her vicinity. I applaud her for her sacrifice.