Nodding Off?

I have always proselytized for the wearing o’ neckwear, and for what I generally refer to as “clash fashion,” a.k.a.”clashion.” Today, I discovered yet another reason to believe in the goodness of “clashion”: Its colliding patterns and colors can be sleep-defying. Tie o’ the Day combined with my Shirt o’ the Day to keep me from falling asleep this afternoon due to a wicked bout of COVID-19 pandemic boredom. I dare you to fall asleep while looking at the busy business of my shirt and Tie together. Go on. Try it. I dare ya.

FYI I recommend wearing clash fashion to church meetings (when they resume), especially if you tend to nod off during services. Your eyelids won’t even be tempted to drop if you clash your clothing appropriately. Likewise, clash your wardrobe correctly and what you see of your attire in your peripheral vision will effortlessly keep you from drowsy driving.

Grace Is Good

I passed this church in Bountiful on my way to get my hearing aids adjusted. And of whom did I think? The ever-flourishing Grace Anne Blackwelder. Wood Bow Tie o’ the Day presents 10-month-old Gracie, Queen o’ Scots. ‘Nuff said.