Edyoocayshun Iz Importunt

Multi-color splotchy, skinny Tie o’ the Day is getting some much needed home-schooling on the subject of William Wordsworth’s poetry. You can tell Tie is excited about Wordsworth’s lofty work by all the notes Tie’s scribbling for itself in the margins.

Added bonus: Tie o’ the Day can act as its own bookmark when it’s done with today’s lesson.

Got Book?

I am glad to be literate. I could not survive the pandemic if I couldn’t read. To be honest, I couldn’t survive anything If I couldn’t read.

The Ties o’ the Day woke up restless. I could feel their mutiny coming on. But I know a thing or two about the power of words, so I headed ’em off at the pass with the calming question, “Do you neckties want me to read to you?” They were quiet and on my lap immediately. The lure of being read to quashed the tie mutiny before it even began. Trust me, reading calms everybody.