Sorry For The Labor I Caused, Mom

I think this photograph of me and Mom conked out in Dad’s chair ranks as my favorite Helen & Helen snapshot ever. Dad must have liked the scene too, to go to the trouble to photograph it—back in the day when you couldn’t simply snap a photo with a nearby cell phone. TIE O’ THE DAY likes to post it for y’all to see at least once or twice a year. Posting it today is my birthday present to myself. I post the Bow Tie o’ the Day near-naked toddler-me photo as proof that I prefer to dwell in absolute joy whenever possible, whether I’ve got teeth in my mouth or don’t.

Well, That Was A Quick Year

My bladder woke me up in mid-sleep, at 4:00 AM, for my early morning exercise routine of walking to and from the little girls’ room without stubbing a toe or bumping an elbow. When I crawled back into bed, I watched the clock until 4:10—the exact moment my birth certificate says I was born on this day in 1964. I told myself “Merry Birthday”, closed my eyes, then fell back into a pleasant sleep.

Bow Tie o’ the Day is here to give proof of the power of bow ties—even on photo faces. I “swear” 🤞this is the exact same baby photo. It was taken when I was around 6 months old. Notice how unhappy I look in the photo without Bow Tie. I simply draped Bow Tie on the photo itself, and the mood on my picture face lifted. 😉 It’s sort of my version of THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY.