
Being stuck at home during this pandemic makes it easier for me to deal with some potty-training issues Tie o’ the Day is working on. I’ve got over 5,000 pieces of neckwear living in The Tie Room, and—trust me— it gets ugly if even one of them isn’t house-trained.

Cabin Fever Strikes The Neckwear

Boy, was I surprised to see this sight when I opened the fridge to get a soda this morning. Bow Ties o’ the Day are clearly going stir crazy in the midst of this self-imposed quarantine. The bow ties haven’t been out of the house for far too long. Now, they’ve turned to housebound shenanigans to amuse themselves, and their jokes are always on me. I think it’s time I leash the necky critters and take them for a walk. I’ll make sure each one maintains the recommended 6 feet of “social distancing” if we run into any of the neighbors while we’re out.