A Very People-y Family

These two Bow Ties o’ the Day push the holiday bow tally to an even 100, which was one of my goals. I’m still rooting around in the nooks and crannies of The Tie Room to make sure I’ve gathered ’em all for the season. I’d hate for you to not see every last one of them, even though there’s no way I could actually wear each one. And I want the tally to rise even more.

I wore the gold-reindeer-on-velvet bow tie to the Christmas afternoon food-and-family fest at Suzanne’s parents’ house. I wore it especially for MyBlaine (bro-in-law) and MyColton (nephew-in-law), who are pretty much mountain men. I aim to please those good ol’ tall boys, and I’m honored to be related to ’em. However, I had to ditch my bigly-racked bow tie soon after I arrived at the affair, cuz its antlers kept poking my chin and neck as I talked and hugged folks. Maybe MyBlaine will mount it for me to hang on my wall.

The amazing Liam (grandnephew) wound up at our house after the family party. I almost threw him back out into the snow. First, he wanted nothing to do with me, and that’s not right. It was only Skitter he wanted to play with. And worst of all, Liam wouldn’t wear Tie o’ the Day. Even with a funny dog and paw prints on the tie I picked out for him, he wanted nary a thing to do with wearing it. I managed to snap a picture of Liam with Skitter and Tie o’ the Day anyway. Despite his tie misbehavior, I let Liam stay with us and play inside the toasty house with Skitter. It was Christmas, so I had to be nice.

Love ya, Liam! And MyBlaine. And MyColton.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 100 Bow ties. 201 Neckties.

Busy Ties

Ties o’ the Day make a quick, story-less appearance this morning. This celebration time of year is keeping me hopping with escapades galore, and I have little time to post about my adventures. Same for this post. The neckwear and I will write what we can, when we can. We’ll catch you up on things ASAP. But keep enjoying the ties while they last. We’re about Christmas-tied out.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 98 Bow ties. 200 Neckties. We hit our necktie goal!