And Then Another Thing Got In The Way Of The Lost Post

I’ve managed to retrieve parts of the post that ran away from me this morning, so I’m re-composing the bits and pieces of it I’ve scooped up off the information superhighway to Hell. I still have no idea what computer key I touched that made my writing disappear. I’d like to know, so I don’t touch it again. Eventually though, I’ll re-create the entire post, but this post isn’t it. I was, in fact, working on it, and then it was time to pick up Suzanne for lunch. I completely intended to return home after lunch and salvage my little lost story.

So I fetched Suzanne, and she scarfed down her yogurt in the car. She and I decided we would spend the rest of her lunch hour whispering as loudly as possible in the Davis County Library in Farmington, a mere two blocks from her office. As I stepped from the library parking lot onto the sidewalk… OMHorribleGolly! A boys,’ black, clip-on tie! Dead! In the snow!


This is a first for TIE O’ THE DAY: Dead Tie o’ the Day.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I staged this. You’re thinking this is like all the other stunts I’ve helped my ties pull off– things like bow ties hanging from the chandelier, or hiding in the refrigerator, or swimming with a manta ray. No. Not this time. This scene, my friends, is absolutely real. All I did was see it, point my phone, and snap. (Besides, would I even own a tie this bland?)

I ask you: How many dead ties are layin’ around in the snow, anywhere on the face of the planet? Not many, that’s for sure. How many of those rare dead-tie-in-the-snow carcasses are in Farmington, Utah at the Davis County Library (a building I’ve never visited before) at 12:13 PM on December 5, 2018? These things don’t grow on trees. It is downright beyond-coincidental that I– an eccentric woman with a website starring ties– was the one person to find this pathetic tie’s lifeless shell, and send it lovingly to its eternal rest. Serendipity? Kismet? Dumb luck? I am mystified by the circumstances of our meeting, but I’m honored to have been the one to be there to take care of this sad affair.

Rest in peace, anonymous Tie o’ the Day. Rest in peace, Little Tie o’ the Day Doe.

A Likely Story

So here’s the thing: I wrote a dandy, regular-size post this morning, but I touched some key that sent it out into cyberspace nether worlds. I’m still doing some spelunking to find it, but I have no idea whether or not I’ll be able to successfully recover it. I know y’all can’t go without your TIE O’ THE DAY morning fix so here’s the photo, with nary a story to accompany it. (Except for the story I just told you about losing the story.)

For your viewing pleasure: Star of David Bow Tie o’ the Day, for Hanukkah. Christmas tree Bow Tie o’ the Day. Christmas tree ornaments Tie o’ the Day.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 33 Bow ties. 83 Neckties.