Upping The Tally

Just canines. Bow Tie o’ the Day and Ties o’ the Day say, “Woofy Christmas.” And don’t mind the ugly X-mas Jacket o’ the Day. It already knows it’s ugly. It certainly would be more handsome if it had a few mutts on its print, but it is what it is.

My rotator cuff had more of its prescribed physical therapy early this morning. PT isn’t going well. My PT guy evaluated my progress and said, “I hate to tell you, but…” A shoulder operation is likely, around the end of January. I’ll be religiously going to pointless PT until then, so AETNA will be convinced I need the operation my shoulder doc and physical therapist already know I need. But, ok. Whatever it takes for my insurance to ante up the bucks for the surgical repair bill. Oh, joy.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 73 Bow ties. 145 Neckties.