Here, There, Everywhere

Bow Tie o’ the Day and I are ecstatic to be back posting. This is a photo I took at LAX, when we were waiting for our return flight to SLC. I have no idea who the silly critter is who’s behind me. All I can tell you is that no matter where I moved to do my snapping, she was there photo-bombing my selfies. I didn’t mind. I was happy to know I added interest to the child’s wait at the airport.

Anyhoo… I hate it when I completely disappear from posting for a few days. It’s happened three times since the end of June. And I don’t like it one bit. All three instances when I was unable to post for a few days at a time were the result of WiFi glitches.

First, I wanted to post from the hospital according to my usual schedule during my surgery week. But WiFi wasn’t working in my room. I had to nix that idea.

Second, I wanted to post daily when Suzanne and I beached around on Dauphin Island. But the WiFi on the island was hit-and-miss due to Tropical Storm Gordon having spent time there the day before we arrived.

And then, in L.A. over the weekend, I discovered we would have had to pay to get access to WiFi in our room. I am not cheap. I am not a skinflint. But I will not pay for WiFi in a hotel room I already paid an arm and a leg and 2/3 of a pancreas for. No, sir! Not this dame! It’s true I could have sat in the lobby– where the Wi Fi was free– and plunked away at my posts for a one or two hours each day. But I ain’t doing that either.

And yesterday (Monday) we were mostly in airports: LAX to SLC, and then from SLC to ABQ. Writing and posting wasn’t really a possibility under those circumstances. Never fear! TIE O’ THE DAY is back online. At least until we’re not again.