The Flying Leeches

After brunch yesterday, Bow Tie o’ the Day and I accompanied Suzanne to Home Depot, where she got plant pots the size of wine barrels. Bow Tie and I got distracted by this wasp-killing spray display.

This “can” stood about 7-feet tall, and I realized the can should be labeled Delta-size. And it should be mosquito repellent. A can this size could get you through almost an entire week’s worth of summer evenings outside in Delta. And I do mean “almost.” Realistically, you’d probably need at least a can and 1/3 of this Delta-size repellent to save you from the skeeters for that length of time. I am not using hyperbole about this. 🐜 🙀 (I couldn’t find a mosquito emoji. The ant will have to suffice.😜 )

I Had To Get Out And Do Something On The Sabbath

Bow Tie o’ Yesterday and I had a bad day, even though we went to Sunday brunch AND made a foray to Home Depot. I was nauseous and in pokey pain, and I was in a crabby, crappy mood. But we determined to muddle though. We did what we did, and then when we got home, we weren’t up to posting.

We brunched at a restaurant called PORCH, a 40-minute drive away, in Daybreak. It was worth the drive. If you want grits or Johnny cakes, it’s your place. I can attest that their crawfish were delightful.

I wore my new designer cape to brunch. (Suzanne does good work, eh?) It was my first public wearin’ o’ the cape, and it seemed to be a hit. No one mistook it for a Halloween costume, and Suzanne wasn’t embarrassed to be seen with me in it. As I’ve mentioned before, she rarely has a problem with my fashion choices. She rarely bats an eye at any of my shenanigans. I have noticed, however, that she is increasingly concerned about my scraggled-up hairs. She is beginning to not walk close to me because of them. She is on the verge of being embarrassed by my mop. I can’t blame her. I don’t want to be seen in its company either right now. But we must remember: Beauty is a process sometimes. We must trudge through the ugly parts, to arrive at our beauty destination.

Sometimes we must even trudge through the sneeze, as you can see I had to. I wanted you to see the photo of me doing just that. I’m glad Suzanne snapped the pic right before the sneeze, so I could see how I look when I achoo. I have always wondered about that. I wonder about odd things. It keeps me young.

Mostly, I included more than one photo because I felt like showing off my Suzanne-made cape again and again and again. I am bragging about her handiwork, as much as I am bragging about how breathtaking I look when I’m wearing it. 😸