And I’ll Save Money On Clothes

Look at that, will ya? Tie o’ the Day chick is the spittin’ image of how I’ll look after my hair grows out. In a past life, I surely must have been Sandro Botticello’s model for the painting that inspired Tie: THE BIRTH OF VENUS. Hey, weirder things have happened, and will continue to happen. I’m convinced I was Rasputin in another of my past lives. Suzanne always says YOU WERE NOT THAT EVIL MAN! And I always pout and say, “You NEVER let me be Rasputin.” 🎨

The Bow Tie Makes The Girl

Feather Bow Tie o’ the Day adds dash to the cover of this serious– but quite ridiculous– 1963 book of instructions for becoming the right kind of girl. I didn’t know all these complicated must-do’s before I perused the book. I kinda feel lucky I was clueless. For example, I’m glad I didn’t know that Prom is the most important event of a girl’s life. And I’m particularly happy I didn’t know a girl should wash her hair only twice a month. Does that make me a failure at girl-dom? 💅 👗 👛 👠 👡 👢 🛁