Shake’s Beer

Neckwear o’ the Day loves Shakespeare plays, especially A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. Shauna Corry, Richard Jackson, and I were among DHS students who performed MIDSUMMER scenes, in 1979. I was Puck– a spritely, mischief-making soul. Fred Adams– DHS graduate, and founder of The Utah Shakespeare Festival– loaned us costumes for the production. The Puck costume he brought me was a loincloth. ONLY a loin cloth. We scrounged up wardrobe additions. I would’ve been fine with wearing just the loincloth if I’d been allowed to wear strategically placed neckwear. 😜

Where, Oh, Where Has My Little Sock Gone?

This post’s gotta be about socks, and I PROMISE this is true. While I was laundry-ing, a lightning bolt laundry event occurred. I was casually minding my own business–not committing sorcery or magic– while folding a batch of socks, and this is what I got: SIX– count ’em– SIX mateless socks. On occasion, we all end up with one, possibly two, lonely socks after we’ve retrieved a load from the dryer. But catching six of ’em at once is like performing a backwards miracle. SIX-PACK O’ THE DAY!