It’s Tubular, Dude!

The CT scan-folk let me wear this morning’s bow tie during my scan. We survived, unscathed. This Bow Tie o’ the Day, however, fears anything medical. CT’s are easy, cuz the tube is short. You stick out. MRI’s are another matter. You’re slid into that long tube, and you ain’t gettin’ out. I’m not claustrophobic, but I close my eyes and pretend I’m on a sandy beach, to forget I’m in a tube. Also, with MRI’s, my nose always itches during the entire test. Scratching is impossible, and it’s forbidden anyway. 🏖

Just Like Education, It’s All About The Tests

“Berry smoothie”? Not! But Bow Tie o’ the Day is hangin’ loose to help me drink the nasty contrast. I’m off to get a CT scan on my stooopid pancreas (my Hanky Panky). A loose bow tie helps me relax. Trust me: it works better than Xanax to keep any possible panic attacks away during testing. I’m a pro at taking medical tests in relation to my Hanky Panky. No worries. I simply have to keep the ol’ pancreas minding its own business. Pretend this is a pancreas emoji: ☄