BACON Is Never A Bad Word

Bacon Tie o’ the Day needs no words. Mom and I talked today about “bad words”– the words we weren’t allowed to say around her when we were kids. For Mom, the B-word was BRAT. The F-word was FART. The S-word was SHUT UP. The D-word was DUMB– as in, you never call someone DUMB. We could use her G-word, which was GADFREE. Of course, we couldn’t use the “real” bad words either. But, really– I ask you: How does a little kid not say FART?

Mom Knows The Score

Bow Tie o’ the Day chilled with us inside the house, cuz the wind o’ St. George gusted so mightily that I thought we were actually in Delta. Thus, no splashing in the pool. I tapped out a post. Suzanne cut quilt squares. Mom dozed in front of Game 1 of the NBA Finals. When I raised the iPhone to snap our mugs, Mom fretted, “I don’t have my face on!” But I have a rule: Mom must be in post pics, whenever possible. I snapped her face in shadows, and she was pleased with it.