Part 4: Driving, Driving, Driving

Bow Tie o’ the Day was impressed with how skillfully our DCSO deputy entered license plates into his laptop. Somewhere in Layton/Clearfield/Sunset/Kaysville (their boundaries baffle me), his laptop indicated an uninsured car in front of us. My deputy HATES making traffic stops. But he hates uninsured vehicles more. The driver received a ticket, with fines costing more than car insurance. My escort didn’t impound the car: Too much paperwork involved, and he didn’t want to bore me. I saved that driver an impound fee! Nice of me, eh? 🤣

Part 3: Deputy O’ The Day

Here’s my personal deputy’s butt and shotgun butt. Bow Tie o’ the Ride-Along pestered him with questions about copdom. He let me get super close-up to the shift’s action. (I even got to watch Rony the K-9 and his nose find drugs in a car.) Before sheriff deputy-ing my copper had been a fireman, and then a paramedic. Add those skills to being a K-9 cop with a people-tracking, drug-sniffing mutt, and he gets sent to a wider variety of 911 situations than most officers. Handycop! More crime’s next.