Transformations R Us

Butterfly Bow Tie o’ the Day has me striking a pose for hippiedom. I mean– a little tie-dye/batik never hurt anyone, or hurt their neckwear. The butterfly style is a new passion for me. Maybe it’s because I miss how monarch butterflies used to cover yards for a brief time each year, as they migrated to wherever. In the last decade, I’ve probably seen fewer than a dozen of the bigly-winged flutter-ers. Stuff changes. Shucks happens. We gotta deal. And we gotta tell stories of what’s gone. 🦋

Exceptions To Bow Tie Rules

Bow Tie o’ the Day is one of the few one-color bow ties in my collection. I’m not into solid colors. They tend to not clash. But this bow tie is otherwise interesting. It’s velvet butterfly-style, which qualifies it as collection-worthy. I’m not sure why I have to clash to be myself, but I do. 🤡 And here’s a pocket watch I promised to show Becky Freeman. It plays the Winnie-the-Pooh theme song. Last year, I accidentally set it off in Sacrament Meeting. The kids loved it. 😇