Got Flamingos?

Tie o’ the Day #1 is participating in a blendy camouflage-type outfit today. It is from 14th & Union, and it really is dark blue. It is also proof that I need to work on taking better pix. Shirt is a Haggar.

Speaking of taking pictures, you may have noticed that I am currently uploading only horizontal pix. We haven’t yet figured out why we can’t control whether or not vertical pix will show up in the tblog pointed in the right direction. The picture will look right on the draft page. But when I publish the page, the tie just lays there on its side. Ties do not like to defy gravity.

The flamingos on this tie are reiterating my desire for summer to get its arse to Utah ASAP. When I got my new phone a couple of years back, the very first text that showed up on it was from Gary. It said exactly this: “Anne needs a box of flamingos”. Huh? I was mystified about what I was supposed to take to Delta, so I replied to Gary, ” What the What?”. Took a minute to figure out that lawn flamingos must come in boxes. Yup. Off to Home Depot I strolled. You learn something every day.

And speaking of this camo look, I must report that according to the speaker at Boston’s baptism ceremony, Bos had declared that his favorite color is camo. Of course.

Molly’s Allergy Season Is Upon Us

Tie o’ the Day is a Penguin brand, hanky pattern. Skitter and Roxy both begged to model in the tblog today. How could I say NOPE to those faces? They then bickered with each other over who would get to wear Tie o’ the Day #1, and that got kind of obnoxious, so I did the parent thing and said, “If you’re going to fight over it, you will wear with the same damn tie. I’ll give you something to share about!” And then I tied them together. That’ll learn ’em.

The model mutts are wearing this hanky tie as a tip o’ the hat to Molly Ryther, whose allergies require shots from the vet, and pills, and salve in her eyes. And, of course, Molly’s various ailments and psychoses require Gary to nervously rub holes in the thighs of his pants. That’s Gary’s psychotic move. (He’s my favorite husband.)

FYI I had to pull out Roxy’s snaggle tooth over the weekend. Now her tongue doesn’t hang out of her mouth nearly as much, and her breath is much less deadly. I do not recommend that anybody open her mouth to check it, however.

The Pub Moves In Mysterious Ways

Tie o’ the Day #2 is a paisley brown and gold Stacy Adams. 2nd Shirt o’ the Day is an Old Navy distressed plaid. Plaid and paisley create a beautiful crash of clash.

At the Pub, the other barflies appreciate Tie o’ the Day’s efforts to add a little bit o’ class to the atmosphere. They sometimes strain to comprehend the finer points o’ the clashing, but they never take the fashion for granted. Or take it for “granite”.

Hey, remember Granite Furniture? I remember going there in 1995 to register to run in some 10K they were sponsoring. Finished that race with bloody shoulders, where my bra straps dug in. Happened in most races I ran. It didn’t matter what fancy new sports bra technology I wore. Same old same old. Thanks, Mom. At some point it ceased to be worth it, no matter how much pleasure I got from running.

Ink Is Important For Writers

Tie o’ the Day #1 is a Dockers lavender polka dot design.

“Beer Barrel Polka” dot? Why not? That works for me. I learned a few polka moves, accompanied by that masterpiece. It’s the only polka song I know. Now that kind of dance is a both a blast and a workout. I’d rank it right up there with Zumba as far as excersise-value goes. And why isn’t there a Hokey Pokey Polka? It should exist just for the alliteration factor.

Shirt is a sleeveless MACHINE. It is a pleasure to have warm enough weather to go sleeveless. My tattoos have been clamoring to be seen. After 30 years, my “Tattoo” tat–my first tat–needs a touch-up. But it still reigns.

I need a new tat for summer as well. It’s gonna be either “forgiveness” or “kindness”. I am going to get both eventually. Just not sure which to get first. They are both meaningful to me bigly.

And you can be assured that I will also add a tie/bow tie tat.👔


And Feeling A Bit Low-Key Tonight


Tie o’ the Day #2 is a suave art deco design by CONCEPTS BY CLAIBORNE. It makes me feel oh, so F. Scott Fitzgerald. So flapper-y.😃 And I must be in the mood for a rodeo, cuz the shirt is another CHAPS.

Hmmmm….a flapper rodeo?  I think I wanna be a part of an event like that. Zelda Fitzgerald would relish the wacky idea. For all any of us know, she might very well have staged a flapper rodeo or two during her sanitorium stays.😉

I wish she had written stories, like her hubby had the guts to do. Based on what I’ve read about her, I’m positive her writing would have given both F. Scott and Ernest Hemingway a run for their WW I literary money.

A Bit Springy Today

Tie o’ the Day #1 is a display of the flowers I wish were growing around The Beach House yard. Alas, it’s just a tie. A flowery Tommy Hilfiger, but still not a real garden.

Mom’s St. Paddy’s Day photo was a facebook hit. She got a gazillion LIKES and comments. She is wowed by all the attention her pics get.

At the Pub last night, I had to dodge beers that were pointed at me. Lots o’ folks were buying lots of St. Patrick’s Day rounds. The bartenders are like my own private Secret Service detail. If a beer comes my direction, they jump in front of it to save my life. I preshate them bigly.

Greens Are Good For More Than Making Putts

Tie o the Day #1 is a polka dotty display on fluorescent green silk, from Stacy Adams. You saw this CHAPS shirt a few days ago. (Yes, I washed it before wearing it again.)

The above tie is kinda loud. But its loud-idity cannot compete with how high the volume on the tv has to be cranked up, in order for Mom to hear her Harry, Ellen, and Blue Bloods. She loves her tv shows. And I’m pleased that she still enjoys so many things. Her life is full. Her life is  LOUD.

Tie o’ the Day #2 and its clash-matching pocket square are by IZOD. Shirt is from Marmot. Yup, marmot–as in “rodent”. A marmot by any other name is still a dang varmint to me. Varmint, varmint, varmint! That is a superb word we don’t use often enough. Yosemite Sam was fluent in varmint-speak. We should watch more of his fascinating cartoons to hone our own varmint language skills.

Mercedes and I met up in Layton today for the Transfer o’ the Mother. Mom had a bigly time with the Clan o’ Mercedes for a few days. And now Mom’s here watching tv loudly with me and Suzanne for a couple more days. Skitter and Roxy think Mom belongs here. So do Suzanne and I. Our city digs can’t compete with The Beach House porch goings-on, but we do have a patio and a deck to offer her. And if we raise our periscope through the roof, we can watch the sun set over Antelope Island.