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(Church Bow) Tie o’ the Day #1 is a jaunty Stacy Adams. Shirt is from Croft & Barrow. Jacket is from VanHeusen, Studio Collection. Pocket square is done in what is called a “puff fold”.  Ya just grab it in the center, shake it, and then put it in the pocket. Paisley, as always, is m-mmm gooooood.

I suppose you could say that today is a back-to-normal day. Even after mourning, things just go on. As they should. The lessons we learn from grief are right in front of us, if we will do the work to take them in. They will change us, no matter how much we have been injured throughout our lives. Life happens to us all, and that means we are dented from time to time. That is why it is so important to not create problems and drama for ourselves. There is enough hard damage, which is out of our control, that happens to us no matter how well we live our lives and treat other people.

A Grief Observed is a short book by C. S. Lewis, which he wrote after the death of his wife. It is written within a Christian and philosophical framework. Definitely worth a read, if you’re trying to understand grief and what it means for sad things to happen.