IKEA Sells Some Very Heavy Items

Tie o’ the Day #2 (a bloomy pierre cardin design) had a road trip south on I-15 this afternoon. Tie and I and the mutts were at my desk in the loft,  just sitting’ on the dock o’ the bay, watching’ the tide roll away…. anyhoo….and then a text from Suzanne zipped into our cell phone, about how a hutch in her new office crashed to the floor and became pressed-board slivers, and would I like to go to IKEA with her and the district credit card to find some kind of office cabinet that won’t explode into smithereens. Heck Tate, yup. So off the Tie and I went when Suzanne came to fetch us. The mutts stayed home to read Harlequin Romances and chew on fluttering Post-it notes.

To me, IKEA stores are to furniture what Cabela’s is to outdoor play, for mostly grown-ups. They are both huge planets insulated unto themselves. They are as close to infinity as you can get anywhere in creation. It is as if these stores do not have walls, just kinda thick, tall map borders. It is pretty much a necessity to use GPS to navigate the shopping experiences these places provide. Good luck trying to locate your shopping companion if you happen to get separated. It’s not like you can text them and ask where they are, cuz the answer would be the same no matter where you are: “I’m by that white chair in the furniture.”

IKEA has fun stuff, most of which nobody really needs. At the restaurant inside, the swedish meatballs with lingonberries is a nice plate o’ sustenance to nosh on when you need an intermission in your IKEA shopping.

Yes, Suzanne found a non-exploding cabinet and shelves for her office. Suzanne’s district credit card paid for no more and no less than that. Mission accomplished. And a good ride was had by all.

And at home, while Tie and I were gone, Roxy and Skitter had chewed up exactly three tissues from the garbage. Not bad for their day’s work.


Sing with us: Nobody knows the troubles Tie o’ the Day has seen. Nobody knows but Tie.

Tblog-ites, I’m troubleshooting on my site speed bumps. Anyhoo…. All of this figuring out has got me in a baaaaad mood. And thus you can see the CHAPS tie below is acting as a symbol of my frustration. I am a bitch! And here’s a small quote from Anne Lamott, which so accurately expresses my current feelings:

“I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.”

Yup. That about covers it.