Got Flamingos?

Tie o’ the Day #1 is participating in a blendy camouflage-type outfit today. It is from 14th & Union, and it really is dark blue. It is also proof that I need to work on taking better pix. Shirt is a Haggar.

Speaking of taking pictures, you may have noticed that I am currently uploading only horizontal pix. We haven’t yet figured out why we can’t control whether or not vertical pix will show up in the tblog pointed in the right direction. The picture will look right on the draft page. But when I publish the page, the tie just lays there on its side. Ties do not like to defy gravity.

The flamingos on this tie are reiterating my desire for summer to get its arse to Utah ASAP. When I got my new phone a couple of years back, the very first text that showed up on it was from Gary. It said exactly this: “Anne needs a box of flamingos”. Huh? I was mystified about what I was supposed to take to Delta, so I replied to Gary, ” What the What?”. Took a minute to figure out that lawn flamingos must come in boxes. Yup. Off to Home Depot I strolled. You learn something every day.

And speaking of this camo look, I must report that according to the speaker at Boston’s baptism ceremony, Bos had declared that his favorite color is camo. Of course.

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