Tie o’ the Day #2 be a fleur de Tommy Hilfiger. Springy, huh? And my shirt be another fave Bugatchi. If you look closely at the shirt pattern/colors, you can see that the lines are kinda frosted-looking/out of focus. Groovy.

As for the neckwear, I couldn’t resist choosing a tie with gardeny flowers all over it, cuz I just finished watching the episode of THE CLOSER in which the murder weapon is a bigly garden gnome. Now that’s some clever scriptwriting. 😂

It’s funny that I can re-watch THE CLOSER, from the beginning to the end of the series, as much as two or three times a year. It never gets old to me. (Suzanne just rolls with it, and she crafts her patient heart out while I’m spinning dvd’s.)

If you are familiar with the THE CLOSER’s characters, you must have figured out already that I am Lt. Provenza, who grouses around sagely, while decked out in swell ties and a fisherman-style hat. But he is not hesitant to declare that he does not run, climb stairs, search for evidence in dumpsters, or otherwise move swiftly or unnecessarily.

Suzanne is clearly Lt. Tao, with his cornucopia of gadgets and overly-technical, long-winded explanations of ballistics, statistics, trajectories, etc.. A trait Tao and Suzanne don’t share: Tao’s explanatory speeches always have a point, but Suzanne’s sometimes do not. Don’t worry. She knows this about herself. She can be pointless at times, despite building up a good story.

I, on the other hand,–unlike my Provenza self– tend to be non-linear in my storytelling and exhortations. And I usually make way too many points.😲

A Full Truck Bed Means No Dogs Can Ride In The Back

Tie o’ the Day #1 kind of apologizes for being a Ryan Seacrest. But it is cute and Irish-y. It’s not an American Idol, but I think that counts in its favor. Shirt is one of my Bristol & Bull’s. In case you can’t tell by now, note that I love the color purple. And the book of that same name, as well.

Today Tie and I are having the garbage dump adventure, followed by a drop-off at the thrift store adventure. Then we are filling a dozen bins full of stuff we are moving up to Centerville, so we can start filling up the garage that Suzanne just cleaned out, with belongings that have lived in D-ville. Thus, there will still not be room for two vehicles in the two-car garage. How we are gonna put three vehicles in the two-car garage when we keep the truck up there too is beyond me. I suppose if we put Vonnegut Grace in the truck bed before we pulled it into the garage… Maybe not, I guess.

Trivia Alert! I was doing some reading this morning (surprise, surprise), and I discovered a fact that made me feel incredibly stoopid. Quicksilver is just another name for mercury. How can I live this long and have such an intimate relationship with words, and still have missed that fact? I will feel like a big dope all day, I’m positive. And then it makes me wonder what other simple factoids like that am I still in the dark about. How do I know what things I don’t know, so I can know to know them? I’m stymied and in a panic. And I can guarantee this: the pendulum in my head has swung to the mania side. Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! My day just got busier with manic bipolarity.😜