A Full Truck Bed Means No Dogs Can Ride In The Back

Tie o’ the Day #1 kind of apologizes for being a Ryan Seacrest. But it is cute and Irish-y. It’s not an American Idol, but I think that counts in its favor. Shirt is one of my Bristol & Bull’s. In case you can’t tell by now, note that I love the color purple. And the book of that same name, as well.

Today Tie and I are having the garbage dump adventure, followed by a drop-off at the thrift store adventure. Then we are filling a dozen bins full of stuff we are moving up to Centerville, so we can start filling up the garage that Suzanne just cleaned out, with belongings that have lived in D-ville. Thus, there will still not be room for two vehicles in the two-car garage. How we are gonna put three vehicles in the two-car garage when we keep the truck up there too is beyond me. I suppose if we put Vonnegut Grace in the truck bed before we pulled it into the garage… Maybe not, I guess.

Trivia Alert! I was doing some reading this morning (surprise, surprise), and I discovered a fact that made me feel incredibly stoopid. Quicksilver is just another name for mercury. How can I live this long and have such an intimate relationship with words, and still have missed that fact? I will feel like a big dope all day, I’m positive. And then it makes me wonder what other simple factoids like that am I still in the dark about. How do I know what things I don’t know, so I can know to know them? I’m stymied and in a panic. And I can guarantee this: the pendulum in my head has swung to the mania side. Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! My day just got busier with manic bipolarity.😜


One Reply to “A Full Truck Bed Means No Dogs Can Ride In The Back”

  1. There is opposition in all things: happy : sad; love : hate; mania : …
    But, thank you. Your writings make us feel “normal”. Either because we relate, or because we don’t. 🙂 Hugs and kisses.

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