The Dog Ate My Post

Here’s my excuse for not writing an afternoon post to accompany this flighty Tie o’ the Day: I had snapped the photo and was composing a lovely post for it when Suzanne came home from work early to begin her Spring break. I had to close up the laptop and pay attention to her immediately, so she knows she’s home and free to relax. Believe it, or not. But it’s the dog’s honest truth. 🐕 📄 💻

And Here’s Another Fine Mask I’ve Gotten Myself Into

[This morning, I stored the Wintry Cape away until next year’s chilly season returns. When I sat down to write a post, this COVID-19 post showed up as a Facebook memory. Hey, I can take a hint from the cosmos: y’all are meant to see this post again.]

While we’re on the subject of wearing masks to help protect ourselves and others from COVID-19…

Suzanne makes me fantastic capes, and I’m discovering that they are not just beautastical to gaze at. My glitter-fied Wintry Cape—and all my other Suzanne-made capes—can perform a public service, by acting as a protective mask for my face and most of my body. Wood Bow Tie o’ the Day’s magnetized hardware sufficiently hangs on for the ride. I’m all set. Until my next post.