A Virtual Bit O’ Bow Tie Sunshine

I prefer virtual doctor visits, cuz I can wear my boxers and nobody else has to know.
Our wall decor tells you: I am my bee’s keeper.

When one has a virtual visit with one’s long-time pain doctor, and one is trying to look upbeat when one is—in all actuality—in a great deal of pain and, therefore, in a grumpy mood, but one really likes one’s pain doc and doesn’t want to make one’s pain doc feel like a complete failure in her work with one, and so one wants to disguise to said pain doctor the routinely excruciating pain one will most likely always feel in one’s pancreas and back, one wears a bright, sequin-covered Bow Tie o’ the Day and a bacon-and-eggs Shirt o’ the Day in front of the laptop camera. With that kind of bow tie, no one in the virtual appointment can be sad. 🤡 At least, that’s what I would do: I would pretend. 😑

The Skitter Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

Skitter is a pro Tie o’ the Day wearer, just like me. She sometimes can’t get to sleep without surrounding herself with every tie she owns. I am jealous of her. If I were to attempt to sleep under my bigly tie collection, the weight would not only suffocate me, but it would flatten me out like a pancake in the process. That is why I encourage Skitter to be moderate in accruing her personal collection. That’s right: I preach moderation in all things to her, while I, on the other hand, busy my days creating an extreme, cash-draining, space-occupying, and possibly dangerous necktie and bow tie collection of my own. I’m all about excess. 🛌 🎀 👔