Love Is A Happy Can O’ Worms

“Cupid” rhymes with “stupid,” but they are not the same thing. However, Cupid-covered Tie o’ the Day will be the first to tell you that sometimes loving someone can certainly make you feel stupid. When you love someone, you’ll forever find yourself running into burning buildings—or jumping in front of speeding bullets—to save your beloved from all possible harm. Your wallet will inexplicably look anorexic because you’re paying bills for two. You will learn how to be content with sharing almost every bit of your very time, space, and air. Cupid can make you almost glad to regularly endure someone else’s all-night snore-fest: you’re simply so grateful to be snored awake right where you are. Yup, love can be loud and demanding. And yet, I highly recommend not wearing Cupid repellant. I recommend jumping head-first into the deep end of love. It isn’t always easy or fun to grow an enduring relationship. But a relationship full of devotion and respect will turn you into a stronger, wiser, more patient person than you ever dreamed you could be. Whether or not you want to evolve, if you’re working at love, you will. You must be brave for the duration. Love done right, in its truest sense, will transform you into a childlike grown-up. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll get frustrated. You’ll fume. But even the most difficult times you share with someone you adore will be packed with perpetual wonder. Love has the power to do that—if you pay meticulous attention.

I have included here a copy of one of my favorite e.e. cummings poems. I am happy to report that when you are in love, flowers really do pick themselves. I see it happen every day. Enjoy the poem.

Don’t Take Your Better Half For Granted

Heart-covered Bow Tie o’ the Day is here to remind you you’re running out of time to make your Valentine’s Day plans. It’s a hokey holiday, created to sell cards and flowers and chocolates, but it’s a day that can hold profound meaning—if only symbolically. Decide to make the day matter. That’s how meaning is created. Just decide it matters, and act accordingly. 😍