Getting Ahead Of Ourselves

Today is Groundhog’s Day Eve and I’ve caught my first glimpse of Easter candy!

My slim, diamond-point Bow Tie o’ the Day looks very sequin-y. And my mask affirms I’m sarcastically just rollin’ with the conspiracy theories again. In reality, I am an Occam’s Razor gal, through-and-through. That means I hold with the idea that the simplest explanation for something is most likely to be the one that’s correct. My nearly six decades of experience on the planet has taught me that this is so. There are exceptions to this principle, which fall neatly under this phrase: “the exception that proves the rule.” Complexities and implausibilities might make a story seem more dramatic or otherwise interesting, but complexities and implausibilities don’t make a story true—whether we’re talking about literature, conspiracy theories, or real life. The sustaining meat of any truth is its simplicity and efficiency. 💡