Lines O’ Plenty

Bow Tie o’ the Day, with its curved lines, is one of my recent painted wood acquisitions. This selfie says I seem to be feeling all kinds of stripey, for some reason. If I feel a certain way, I usually try to dress like it. I have no earthly idea why I do that, except to say it’s simply how I roll. As far as what it means to feel “stripey,” I don’t know that exact answer either. I can tell you it is true that I have had a hankering all day for some Fruit Stripe gum from my kidhood, and I did listen to the Kate Bush song, “Big Stripey Lie” thrice this morning. Also, when I checked the family text thread over breakfast earlier, I saw a picture of Suzanne’s niece who is in the National Guard—which made me think of the Bill Murray movie, “STRIPES.” It must be World Stripe Day or something. Wearing lines/stripes just hits the spot today. I have no doubt I will move on to other feelings and designs tomorrow.

BTW I haven’t yet heard anything at all from the lithotripsy docs, so nothing has been scheduled. I hate waiting.

Well, That Didn’t Work

Despite my wearing a ferocious animal print Bow Tie o’ the Day to my ERCP at the hospital, the scope the doc stuck down my throat and into various innards was unable to dislodge and retrieve the boulder growing in my pancreas. It’s official: Plan A was a failure, so we’re on to Plan B and the shockwaves of lithotripsy. I don’t yet have an appointment for it, but I’m hoping it will be scheduled by the end of the day. The minute it’s on my calendar, you can bet I’ll be rummaging through the Tie Room neckwear inventory for the exact right piece to wear to Plan B, for good luck. In all my years of unofficial—but thorough—fashion studies, I have never once come across any suggestions for what to wear to a lithotripsy appointment. I guess it’s up to me to be the brave fashionista explorer who makes that discovery. 😎