Yesterday, It Was Wind. Today, It Was Windy Rain.

Umbrellas-and-raindrops Tie o’ the Day and I spent much of our time gazing out the tall windows at the buckets and barrels and teaspoons of rain, which fell unceasingly for hours. The day-est part of the day is almost over now, so the rain has finally stopped. Due to the inclement weather, there was no bike ride for Skitter and me yesterday or today. I’ve embarked on a mission of teaching Skitter to sit on the bike seat and pedal the bike, while I ride behind it in her connected doggie trailer as she pumps me around the neighborhood. Skitter’s skinny mutt legs can’t afford to miss another day of pedal practice. 🚴‍♀️🐕

I’m Sure There’s A Bow Tie Under My Beard

Look at what I found while scouring through my files. I do not remember being Santa at this Delta High School newspaper staff party. I do remember Barbara though. She made me laugh and she had a bigly vocabulary, so we said bigly words to each other when we talked. It’s always a pleasure to run into her when our paths cross. I wish they crossed more often.