My Bobblehead Pose

Here’s one of my two A CHRISTMAS STORY bobblehead figures: The Old Man and his leg lamp “major award.” Tie o’ the Day is all Ralphie in his new pajamas.

It appears to me that Skitter has possibly gotten into some neighbor’s medical marijuana. She’s awfully mellow, and she can’t quite fully open her eyes beyond these slits. She has pot eyes. She is, however, adding three of her four ties to her holiday total. (She wore the white tie last week, so it was counted already.)

Helen’s Holiday Tie Tally: 160 Neckties. 67 Bow Ties.

Skitter’s Holiday Tie Tally: 19 Neckties.

#bekindtoothers #wearthedangmask #idontwearmymaskbecauseilikeitiwearittosaveyourlife #wearingamaskdoesnotmeanyoucantthinkforyourselfitmeansyouunderstandbasicscience #justsayin