Hanukkah Begins This Evening

I’ve been teaching Hanukkah Bow Ties o’ the Day the proper Hanukkah greetings. “Hanukkah sameach!” means Happy Hanukkah! Personally, I am fond of the greeting, “Chag urim sameach!” which means Happy Festival of Lights! Hanukkah does not end until December 18th this year, so I’m sure I’ll mention a thing or two about it this week. 🕎🔯

Holiday Tie Tally: 129 Neckties. 42 Bow Ties.

The Thong Remains The Same

Rudolph Tie and Bow Tie o’ the Day are pleased to present the body thong an anonymous gift-giver sent me last year. Y’all are so good to me, and you know me so well. I’ve got to go to the deli this morning, and I’m so hoping I forget to take off the red-nosed thong before I go. It would be wrong of me to wear it to the grocery store intentionally. That’s over-the-top. But to “accidentally” give my fellow shoppers a show…that’s not inappropriate at all. I am free entertainment at Dick’s Market. Suzanne says I should sell tickets. 🤡 🎡 🎄 🦌

Holiday Tie Tally: 129 Neckties. 40 Bow Ties.