Mom And Skitter Miss Each Other

When I talk to Mom on the phone, she always wants to know what Skitter is up to. I tell Mom Skitter is up to the same things she always is: She sleeps, potties, eats, runs around like crazy, naps, barks at the world, eats, potties, and sleeps again. She naps in as many different places as she she can, all day long. That’s when Mom tells me her daily routine at MCR is the very same as Skitter’s. That’s when I tell Mom that’s exactly why she and The Skit love and miss each other. You can surely tell Mom and Skitter apart in these photos. Mom is the one with the cup o’ Pepsi, and Skitter is the one wearing her Tie o’ the Day.

Mom’s Individual Fashion

One of the bigly things Mom misses while she’s on lock-down inside Millard Care and Rehab is their regular field trips into the community. Here she is last year, on a field trip to Nephi for lunch at Lisa’s Country Kitchen. Mom is wearing her James Dean shades, as she does 24/7. Her neck bling is holding her cell phone. She’s got her corsage on for no reason other than she’s Mom, and that’s how she rolls. But the true Helen Sr. style shines out in her Slippers o’ the Day. Mom knows that your personal fashion should scream out to everyone exactly who you are.