More Experiments With Pandemic Hairs Thursday

I don’t have time to explain it right now. Wood flag Bow Tie o’ the Day doesn’t either. Let me just say that while I was putting together this afternoon’s Pandemic Hairs Thursday post, I was attacked by an air force of wasps that were living in my truck. And since I am allergic to most insect stings and bites, I think it wise to go jab my EpiPen into my thigh before I can’t breathe anymore. And maybe I’ll visit the nearest ER. I’ll report back to you tomorrow, I’m sure. No worries, folks. I always get good stories to share out of my death-defying adventures. And yes, I have no doubt these pandemic hairs are what angered the wasps into attacking me in the first place.

A Pandemic Hairs Thursday

Seahorses Bow Tie o’ the Day is a little scared by my pandemic hairs. This is how I would look with pandemic hairs if I ever lost my eyebrow tweezers. Within a week’s time, I would be a bow tied unibrow. The only thing worse than having to live with my pandemically challenged uncut head hairs would be if I had to live with my pandemically challenged uncut head hairs PLUS a unibrow. Ain’t nobody wanna see that.