The Neckwear Census Is In Full-Swing

My Census abacus is smokin’! I haven’t even begun to tally up the bow ties yet, but the actual necktie count is complete. Excluding holiday neckties, the total necktie count as of today stands at 904. Even screaming Tie o’ the Day is aghast at the bigly number! With guesstimates from y’all as low as 765 and as high as 1589, our prizewinner is my former Delta neighbor, Katie Poulsen, who offered an incredible, unbelievable, shockingly close guess of 901. I would think Katie must have snuck into my house and counted my ties herself, except we don’t reside in the same zip code anymore. Message me your address, Katie, and in a couple of days the Pooping Dogs Puzzle will show up on your doorstep.

As always, speshul thanks go to Suzanne, who bravely tolerated said puzzle enough to assemble it with me. However, she is glad it’s leaving our abode to live with other people who like odd things. I, on the other hand, will miss the puzzle’s ewwy silliness. Rest assured, Katie, the puzzle is not a scratch-n-sniff.

Thanks to y’all for playing.

Ascots Are Speshul

This is a quick post to say I’m still here, as is the Dogs Pooping Puzzle. TIE O’ THE DAY took the weekend off, so I have not, in fact, finished counting the hung and racked neckties you saw in the photo last week. The truth is I have way too many ties, and my abacus is slower than it used to be. I promise I will have a true necktie critter count by this afternoon’s post. That means I will also be announcing the winning Guesstimator o’ the Necktie Population—who will receive the rare and valuable Puzzle o’ Pooping Dogs. Until then, the neckwear Census can verify The Tie Room has a population of 10 ascots, all shown here. Ascots are mostly worn to project an aura of snootiness. I, like most other human beings, like to pretend I’m snooty on occasion.